Kaiju Sentai Jyuukaizar

TitleKaiju Sentai Jyuukaizar



Type Full series Episode 6/6

Kaiju Sentai Jyuukaizar

Kaiju Sentai Jyuukaizar

Kaiju Sentai Jyuukaizar alternatively spelled as “Zyukaiser” or “Jyukaiser”, is a Japanese Tokusatsu web-television series created by company GIGA.

Unlike previous GIGA Tokusatsu series, Jyuukaizar releases two episodes each week from December 9, 2022 to January 20, 2023. Jyuukaiser is also the first GIGA Tokusatsu release to have more than one AV DVD/digital download release directly tied to the series airing.

Kaiju Sentai Jyuukaizar

Kaiju Sentai Jyuukaizar

This includes episode 6.5, scheduled for December 28, 2022, episode 10.5 scheduled for January 27, 2023, and a spinoff release tying into GIGA’s annual G1 Grand Prix event, scheduled for February 3, 2023.

On December 9, 2022, GIGA announced a live event for Jyuukaizar to be held at MODIS Shibuya on January 17, 2023, featuring the main cast.

Kaiju Sentai Jyuukaizar

Kaiju Sentai Jyuukaizar 2023

This series is the longest GIGA seires, having 12 scheduled episodes.

In ancient times, the Mecha Empire Sharmachiner, which ruled the Earth with its superior technology, was sealed deep within the Earth by the brave Kaiju Warrior Garukibas, but climate change has weakened the seal and they have begun to overrun the Earth again.

Kaiju Sentai Jyuukaizar

Kaiju Sentai Jyuukaizar Full series English Sub

The souls of the Kaiju warriors, the heroes of the Earth, entrust their power to five youths. They become the Kaiju Sentai Jyuukaizar and boldly confront the Sharmachiner with their Kaiju Buddies!

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