Gorath is a Japanese science fiction tokusatsu film produced by Toho in 1962. The story for Gorath was written by Jojiro Okami, a former Japanese Air Force pilot who also gave the original ideas to the films The Mysterians, Battle in Outer Space, and Dogora. It was released to Japanese theaters on March 21, 1962.
Plot Gorath
Early in the year of 1979, Japan’s most famed rocketship, the JX-1 Hawk, with its crew of 30 men, was launched from the Interstellar Exploration Agency’s rocket launch site at Mt Fuji into space on a 9-month journey to investigate the planet Saturn.
Gorath 1962
After a 9 months journey to Saturn, the crew are given a new directive for the mission from Earth. It was discovered that a small, runaway “planet,” which some scientists believed to be the solid mega-dense core of a collapsed star that had somehow run amok.
Gorath English sub
It is subsequently given the name “Gorath” by the international scientific community, had entered Earth’s solar system. Upon encountering Gorath and attempting to investigate its rapid movement in the solar system, they discover that Gorath is smaller than Earth but with 6000 times Earth’s gravity.
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The JX-1 is caught in its gravity well and its entire crew of the spacecraft lose their lives as the enormous gravity well of the approaching celestial body destroyed the ship.