Ultraman Cosmos 2: The Blue Planet is the second Ultraman Cosmos theatrical film adaptation, was released in Japan on August 3, 2002. It is also a direct sequel to the original Ultraman Cosmos television series.
Ultraman Cosmos 2: The Blue Planet 2002
One month later, a re-edited version of the film titled Ultraman Cosmos 2: The Blue Planet – Young Musashi Chapter was produced as an alternate version for the film in the wake of Taiyo Sugiura’s arrest, replacing most of his on-screen scenes with newly filmed parts.
Ultraman Cosmos 2: The Blue Planet – The Movie
It has been a year since Musashi retired from being a Team EYES member and now he is finally pursuing his dream to become an astronaut. Musashi pilots his TECCH Spinnar KS-1 and went on a journey to Planet Juran.
However, much to his horror, the planet appeared to be a reddish and dusty wasteland. Not only that, Parastan, the planet’s protector died. Suddenly, a flying monster burst out from the ground and firing a reddish energy ball.
Ultraman Cosmos 2: The Blue Planet – The Movie 2002
As it is about to ram Musashi’s TECCH Spinnar KS-1, Ultraman Cosmos appeared and saved him. As they dueled, Musashi founded that the monster is responsible for turning the Planet Juran into a barren wasteland via it’s energy beam. Cosmos destroyed the monster, causing a giant explosion and quickly rescuing Musashi from the explosion.
Musashi attended his childhood friend’s wedding and later witnessed a mermaid. One of his friends, Tutomo, mocks him for believing in a mermaid but Mari objects it, implied that Musashi might be speaking the truth ever since his first encounter with Cosmos.
As it starts to rain, Tutomo cowardly hides under the table with Mari mocking him, causing Tutomo to take a nearby soda and spray it on Mari, starting a soda fight with his friend as they are watched again by the mermaid.