Tomica Hero: Rescue Force The Movie: Rescue The Mach Train! is the main feature film of the Tomica Hero Rescue Force: Explosive Movie! films after the Explosive Run! Tomica Hero Grand Prix short film is finished playing.
Tomica Hero: Rescue Force The Movie: Rescue The Mach Train!
The Rescue Force team are doing dance aerobics at a park, until Hikaru sees a young girl named Miyuki dancing as well. She introduces herself and tells the team she dreams of becoming a pro dancer and performing in New York City, but she gets a call from her mother telling her to come home.
Tomica Hero: Rescue Force The Movie: Rescue The Mach Train! 2008
Miyuki tells Hikaru that her parents don’t approve of her dream and once her father got angry when she tried practicing at home. Kyosuke cheers her up by asking her to dance with him and his team while a mysterious man on a park bench reading a newspaper observes them from afar.
Tomica Hero: Rescue Force The Movie: Rescue The Mach Train!
After the opening credits, a man is watching a TV news report on Rescue Force and claims that they are the greatest obstacle to his grand scheme. His thoughts are interrupted by an order from a customer, revealing this person to be a cook at a restaurant.
Tomica Hero: Rescue Force The Movie: Rescue The Mach Train!
After closing, the Three Executives of Neo Thera appear to him and the man is revealed to be former mechanical engineer, Professor Mataro Madano. Their sudden appearance startles Mataro, but Maen appears and exposits about his Metal Train design being rejected by the railway company for the Mach Train. Mataro says he hates the Mach Train and wants revenge for it replacing his Metal Train. Maen and the Three Executives agree to help him carry out his revenge.