Tokusatsu Gagaga is a comedy drama broadcast by NHK in 2019. It is centered on the tokusatsu genre and based on the manga of the same name.
Tokusatsu Gagaga
Kano Nakamura is a 26-year-old office lady. She is an otaku who loves watching tokusatsu, especially Bestial Storm Jushowan. She liked tokusatsu from an early age, but her mother hated her “immature” hobby and strictly prohibited her from watching it. However, just before graduating from high school, Kano’s tokusatsu fever reignited. Kano started to meet other friends who like various genres, starting with Hisami Yoshida, who likes tokusatsu just like her. Kano is honest about her hobby, and hopes to reconcile with her mother someday.
Tokusatsu Gagaga