Sukeban Deka The Movie is a live action Japanese film that was released in 1987. This is a sequel to the TV series Sukeban Deka II: Shōjo Tekkamen Densetsu, based on the manga series Sukeban Deka written and illustrated by Shinji Wada. It stars Yoko Minamino and Yui Asaka, who were also in the TV series.
Sukeban Deka The Movie
The movie was followed by Sukeban Deka II in 1988.
After the events of the Sukeban Deka II TV series, the now 18-year-old Yoko Godai has abandoned her special agent Saki Asamiya name to return to her normal life and is studying for college entrance exams.
Sukeban Deka The Movie 1987
However, she accidentally bumps into a young man named Kazuo Hagiwara escaping from a group of hitmen, and learns that he comes from Sankou Academy, a private school located in a remote island known as Hell’s Castle.
Sukeban Deka The Movie – English sub
The school is ruled by the evil headmaster Hattori, a terrorist who is trying to brainwash students into his loyal agents. They are then attacked and captured in a bus driven by Sankou Academy henchmen, who proceed to submit Saki to electric torture, but they manage to escape.