Sukeban Deka II: Shoujo Tekkamen Densetsu – Following the end of the first series, Godai Yoko is a mysterious girl who grew with an iron mask to protect her life.
Sukeban Deka II: Shoujo Tekkamen Densetsu
She takes on the identity of Asamiya Saki after being freed from her mask and becomes the second “Sukeban Deka” in order to discover the responsible of her wasted childhood.
Sukeban Deka II: Shoujo Tekkamen Densetsu – 1985
She will get the help of two other non officially Sukeban: Nakamura Kyoko (“Okyo”) and Yajima Yukino.
Sukeban Deka II: Shoujo Tekkamen Densetsu – Full Series 1985