Shin Ultraman The Movie is a 2022 Japanese superhero kaiju film directed by Shinji Higuchi and written, co-produced, and co-edited by Hideaki Anno. A reimagining of Ultraman, the film is a co-production between Toho Studios and Cine Bazar, and presented by Tsuburaya Productions, Toho Co., Ltd., and Khara, Inc.
It is the 37th film in the Ultraman franchise, and the second reboot of a tokusatsu series to be adapted by Anno and Higuchi, after Shin Godzilla, with Shin Kamen Rider to follow in 2023.
Shin Ultraman – The Movie
The film stars Takumi Saitoh, Masami Nagasawa, Hidetoshi Nishijima, Daiki Arioka, and Akari Hayami, with Anno and Bin Furuya as Ultraman. In the film, an extraterrestrial accidentally kills a man while battling a giant monster and takes on his appearance and place.
Following the invasion of several giant lifeforms classified as the “S-Class Species”, the Japanese Government establish the S-Class Species Suppression Protocol to eliminate further threats. Shortly thereafter, the SSSP address the kaiju Neronga’s attack on Hatsukaichi, when a silver extraterrestrial giant dubbed “Ultraman” appears to defeat Neronga and save humanity, however, he inadvertently kills SSSP member Shinji Kaminaga during his battle with the kaiju.
Shin Ultraman – The Movie 2022
He subsequently takes Kaminaga’s appearance and place, leaving the real Kaminaga’s body in the forest where he died. Ultraman in the form of Kaminaga then bonds a friendship with SSSP analyst Hiroko Asami, but she is unaware of the original Kaminaga’s fate.
The subterranean kaiju Gabora arises from a rocky hillside in the Momoyama District of Kamikita City. In order to prevent the kaiju’s radioactivity from causing harm, Ultraman kills it and flies off with its radioactive corpse.
Shin Ultraman
Shortly thereafter, Zarab reveals himself, claiming the government has signed a peace contract with him, but the SSSP discovers that he is seeking to conquer the Earth. Zarab kidnaps Kaminaga and impersonates Ultraman to undermine his reputation and ruin his public image.
Shin Ultraman – 2022
Videos of these events surface online, revealing Kaminaga’s secret identity. Kaminaga unintentionally left his “Beta Capsule” device, which allows him to transform into Ultraman, with Asami, leading her to discover his true identity.
Asami frees Kaminaga from Zarab but is captured by Zarab herself. Kaminaga transforms into Ultraman, saving Asami, exposing Zarab’s disguise, and cutting the alien in two with the “Ultra Slash”.