Sh15uya (Shibuya Fifteen) is a tokusatsu drama written by Shoji Yonemura and produced by Toei. It was first premiered on TV Asahi in 2005.
Sh15uya (Shibuya Fifteen)
Plot Sh15uya (Shibuya Fifteen)
In a virtual simulation of Shibuya, Tokyo which is regulated by an entity named Piece which does not allow inhabitants to live, a fifteen-year-old boy named Tsuyoshi who seeks to find both his lost memories and a way to escape Shibuya.
Sh15uya (Shibuya Fifteen) 2005
To maintain control, Piece “kills” those who do not operate within the proper confines of the world, which results in their being reset and inserted back into the city with a new name and identity and without their previous memories.
Watch online Sh15uya (Shibuya Fifteen)