Revive! Ultraman is a 1996 Japanese tokusatsu Kaiju film directed by Masahiro Tsuburaya and produced by Tsuburaya Productions in 1996. This was made to commemorrate the 30th anniversary of the Ultraman Series. The movie was part of Ultraman Wonderful World, along with Ultraman Zearth and Ultraman Company.
Revive! Ultraman
Made by combining footage from the original series with newly filmed material, it served as an “epilogue” to the original Ultraman television series, as Ultraman returns to Earth for one final battle.
Revive! Ultraman – The Movie
The plot of this episode picks up from Ultraman’s defeat at the hands of Zetton. Zetton was destroyed by the Patrol and Ultraman is saved by Zoffy and has recombined with Shin Hayata. However both Ultraman and Hayata are weakened by this defeat as well as suffering from a lack of confidence. Ultraman is being bested by other monsters and saved by the Patrol.
Revive! Ultraman – The Movie 1996
The Patrol realizes they cannot count on Ultraman at this time and Hayata feels weaker. Arashi suggests Hayata use a stamina drink and Ide gets an idea and heads to his lab to build a new device.