Kamen Rider Saber Spin-off: Kamen Rider Sabela & Kamen Rider Durendal is a TTFC-exclusive web special set within the continuity of Kamen Rider Saber. In the special, Ryoga receives disturbing news regarding Reika’s fiancé, who is a member of a high-ranking family from the Sword of Logos.
Kamen Rider Saber Spin-off: Kamen Rider Sabela & Kamen Rider Durendal
It has been a year since the last episode of the TV series. Reika is approached about a marriage proposal by Rui Mitarai, a famous Sword of Logos family on par with the Shindai family.
Kamen Rider Saber Spin-off: Kamen Rider Sabela & Kamen Rider Durendal – The Movie
Ryoga wishes for Reika’s happiness, and orders her to throw away her sword and have a matchmaking party. Reika goes to a matchmaking party for her older brother, but she deliberately eats in an unrefined way, which makes him hate her. However, Rui sees through Reika’s true feelings, and at first she was reluctant to propose marriage, but she fought to protect the order of the world. She tells him that she has accepted, and proposes to her…
Kamen Rider Saber Spin-off: Kamen Rider Sabela & Kamen Rider Durendal – The Movie 2022
Reika’s marriage has been decided, and Ryoga wonders every day whether this is the right decision for her. Then, one day, with one week left until the wedding ceremony, Ryoga receives a phone call from Ren Akamichi…