Kamen Rider Build Original Drama: ROGUE is a special Blu-Ray miniseries for Kamen Rider Build, with each episode being released periodically within each of the Kamen Rider Build Blu-Ray Collection releases. The miniseries focuses on the character Gentoku Himuro as it chronicles his journey into becoming Kamen Rider Rogue.
Kamen Rider Build Original Drama: ROGUE
Kamen Rider Build Original Drama: ROGUE – Episode
- Prologue: NIGHT ROGUE RISES (序章 NIGHT ROGUE RISES, Joshō: Naito Rōgu Raizezu)
- Second Chapter: DARK NIGHT FALL (第二章 DARK NIGHT FALL, Dainishō: Dāku Naito Fōru)
- Final Chapter: KAMEN RIDER ROGUE (最終章 KAMEN RIDER ROGUE, Saishūshō: Kamen Raidā Rōgu)
Kamen Rider Build Original Drama: ROGUE – 2018
Three years ago, Gentoku Himuro, head of the Touto Institute of Advanced Matter Physics, tries to convince his old friend and Touto Prime Minister aide, Koji Hotei that Touto needs to strengthen their military in order to face the threat Hokuto and Seito represent. Hotei however, does not listen. It is then that Gentoku is made aware of a certain researcher.
Kamen Rider Build Original Drama: ROGUE 2018 – Full miniseries