Kamen Rider Black Sun is a Japanese tokusatsu web-drama series and reboot of Kamen Rider Black, serving to commemorate its 35th anniversary as well as the franchise’s 50th anniversary overall.
Kamen Rider Black Sun
The series premiered on October 28, 2022 with all ten episodes releasing at midnight in each countries’ specific timezones.
Creation King – the pinnacle of Kaijin. At the end of his life, the elected Century King will inherit his power.
Kamen Rider Black Sun 2022
The year is 2022. Half a century has passed since the government declared the coexistence of humans and Kaijin. In times of chaos, a girl named Aoi Izumi, a young human rights activist who appeals for the abolition of discrimination, meets a man.
Kamen Rider Black Sun English Sub
Kotaro Minami, the candidate for the next Creation King and a byproduct of the “Black Sun”‘s existence.
The truth about Creation King and the Kaijin hidden within 50 years of history, and another imprisoned Creation King candidate, Shadowmoon, AKA Nobuhiko Akizuki.
Kamen Rider Black Sun English Sub 2022
His encounter and reunion with Kotaro will eventually break the status quo within society.