Kagaku Sentai Dynaman is the seventh installment of Toei Company’s Super Sentai metaseries. It aired on TV Asahi from February 5, 1983, to January 28, 1984, with a total of 51 episodes. Six episodes of the series were shown in the United States on the USA Network’s Night Flight and alternately Nickelodeon’s Special Delivery throughout 1988 as a dubbed parody, simply titled Dynaman.
Kagaku Sentai Dynaman
[1] It is the last Sentai until Kousoku Sentai Turboranger where the three main colors (Red, Blue and Yellow) are all male.
Kagaku Sentai Dynaman
The Jashinka Empire rises from the depths of the Earth to conquer the world. To stop them, Dr. Kyutaro Yumeno assembles five inventors to his laboratory, Yumeno Invention Laboratory and gives them the power to become Dynamen. Each member has their own goal, but as the Kagaku Sentai Dynaman, they are united to stop the Jashinka Empire in their tracks