Hyperspace Guardians is an upcoming Chinese tokusatsu show produced by Tencent. A virtual reality game with ultra-high human gas, and its developer Lu Qida comes from the future. Lu Qida was wanted for fraud and in the future world. He fled to the present world.
Hyperspace Guardians
Plot Hyperspace Guardians
“Wonderland” is a hugely popular virtual reality game, but the game’s developer, Lu Weida, is from the future. Lu Weida was absconded to the present day and used the future technology and thus earning huge wealth.
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Meanwhile, Lu Weida’s real purpose is to make the game’s monster “Chimeras” to appear in the real world, and eventually rule it by controlling them. In order to capture Lu Weida, the Hyperspace Guardians from the future world sent Lu Caifeng, a member of the psychic patrol team to chase him down.
Hyperspace Guardians Full Episode
Lu Caifeng found that Long Xiaofeng, a college student, was a suitable “warrior” candidate.Long Xiaofeng’s sister, Long Lingling, also came under Lu Weida’s control. After hard training, Long Xiaofeng grew up to be an excellent armored soldier.
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At the same time, “Chimeras” began to attack the real world. In order to rescue his sister and protect the world, Long Xiaofeng and his friends started to fight against the monsters in the game “Wonderland” and challenging the game developer. A new legend begins.