Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger is a Japanese tokusatsu comedy series based on the Super Sentai Series. It is not part of the official line up in Toei Company’s Super Sentai franchise, but is instead a parody geared towards adults who were fans of the franchise as children. The show aired on BS Asahi (TV Asahi’s broadcast satellite channel) starting April 6, 2012, and Tokyo MX starting April 9, 2012.
Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger
A second season was officially announced in January 2013 at a teaser event tying in with the final appearances of the characters from Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters, featuring Masato Wada, who performs as main character Nobuo Akagi. The second season is titled Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger: Season Tsuu (非公認戦隊アキバレンジャー シーズン痛ツー, Hikōnin Sentai Akibaranger: Shīzun Tsū) and premiered on April 5, 2013
Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger
Three individuals (a Super Sentai otaku, a cosplay otaku, and a closet anime otaku) are chosen by a beautiful scientist otaku to become the “Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger” and “protect Akihabara” from powerful otaku villains that only exist in their delusions. However, the otaku fight eventually gets literally real when their “otaku enemies” begin to materialize in the real world.
Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger