Hikari Sentai Maskman is Toei’s eleventh entry of the Super Sentai metaseries. It aired on TV Asahi from February 28, 1987 to February 20, 1988, with a total of 51 episodes. Its international English title as listed by Toei is simply Maskman.
Hikari Sentai Maskman
It was the first Super Sentai series that showcased each members having their own individual vehicles that forms their robot, it also introduced non-Japanese martial arts discipline.
Hikari Sentai Maskman
Commander Sugata is a scientist and sage who excels in mental reinforcements and is a master of every martial arts discipline. He discovered the existence of the Underground Empire Tube, a once peaceful kingdom that has turned into a malignant force under the mysterious Zeba, who desires to conquer the surface. In order to stand against them and thwart their plans, Sugata recruits five young people to become the Maskmen.
Hikari Sentai Maskman
Each becomes specialized in a style of martial arts, and Sugata teaches them the ways of the mystical “Aura Power” energy. A year after Sugata recruits and trains the Maskmen, the Underground Empire Tube is ready to strike. Princess Ial of the deposed Igam Royal Family, sent to spy above ground as Mio, falls in love with Takeru, and wishes for those underground and above ground to coexist. She is kidnapped and imprisoned in ice for her betrayal. As Takeru and the Maskmen battle Tube, they learn about Ial and Igam’s relationship, and a terrible dark secret about Zeba, the Tube leader.
Hikari Sentai Maskman