Gappa: The Triphibian Monster is a 1967 Japanese kaiju film directed by Haruyasu Noguchi. The film is about a group of Japanese reporters who discover an infant monster called a Gappa on Obelisk Island.
Gappa: The Triphibian Monster
The reporters cage the creature and take it to Japan where it becomes a media attraction. This angers the natives of the island and Gappa’s full-grown parents, who head toward Japan to find their child. Its plot virtually duplicates that of the 1961 British film Gorgo.
Gappa: The Triphibian Monster English sub
Plot Gappa: The Triphibian Monster
An expedition from Tokyo heads to Obelisk Island, which the greedy Mr. Funazu, owner of Playmate Magazine, wants to turn into a resort. The island natives welcome the expedition, but two members, Hiroshi and Itoko, venture into a forbidden area despite the pleas of a native boy named Saki.
Gappa: The Triphibian Monster 1967
They enter a cavern blocked by a fallen statue and find a giant egg, out of which hatches a baby “bird-lizard” monster, referred to as “Gappa”.