Dennou Keisatsu Cybercop is a Japanese tokusatsu TV series. First created in 1988 by Toho Enterprises, the show was an attempt to create a Tokusatsu series using a Super Sentai motif, but the idea was dropped after the unaired pilot. The series itself still slightly resembled a sentai show, with most of the protagonists wearing color-coordinated armor. The show was broadcast on NTV and aired from October 2, 1988 to July 5, 1989.
Dennou Keisatsu Cybercop
In the year 1999, crime has overrun Tokyo city, Japan. Hopelessly outmanned and outgunned, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Force decides to set up a special taskforce to combat the dire situation. Codenamed “ZAC”, this police department is designed for special missions.
Dennou Keisatsu Cybercop
For this cause, the police scientists developed the “Bit Suits”, three high-powered armors outfitted with the latest technology: Mars, Saturn and Mercury. In the first episode, a mysterious young man, Shinya Takeda, appears from nowhere and saves the day after using his own armor, the Jupiter Bit Suit.
Dennou Keisatsu Cybercop
Following his victory, he joins ZAC in battling the evil organization Death Trap, ruled by the ruthless Baron Kageyama, whose goal is to use the computers’ will-power to gain world domination and appears to be mysteriously linked to Takeda’s past.
Dennou Keisatsu Cybercop